(links to supporting sources are included in red)

Trump’s first four years were off to a roaring start. As President-elect, he had secured thousands of new manufacturing jobs. He hadn’t even stepped foot into the White House and things were changing due to deliberate negotiations between President-Elect Trump and many top CEOs.

Low interest rates (nearly 3 times lower than the current rates), tame inflation (average of 1.9%), 5 decade low unemployment rate and mild cost of living increases ruled the economy. Allies were confronted and started working towards paying their share of alliance dues. American companies were put on notice that manufacturing must stay in the US. China’s currency manipulation was called into check by the bravado and boldness of President Trump’s tariffs. America was winning again.

Then, all of a sudden, a virus appears in China and the bureaucrats take over. The lies poured in from all sides. Governors of both letters turned into dictators. Governor Brown of New Jersey admitted himself, “I wasn’t thinking of the Bill of Rights when we did this.” US Citizen rights were trampled on. The government at all levels used fear to suppress the American people. Email records prove that the government knew cloth masks didn’t protect us from the spread of the virus. They also show that the idea the virus may have come from a Coronavirus lab (imagine that!) in the city the pandemic started in was heavily suppressed and censored.

The left of the aisle will continually use post-pandemic statistics to attempt to frame Trump’s presidency as a failure, when it was the most successful and productive 3 years (2016-2019) in recent American history.

An executive focused on winning and profit is susceptible to what? A quick solution to a big problem.

mRNA vaccines seemed at first to be the answer to most of our prayers. We were promised by bureaucrats that if you got vaccinated, you wouldn’t get sick nor spread the virus to others. Vaccine passports were adopted in multiple states. The unconstitutional behavior of the leaders of our governments was enabled by the misinformation of leaders in the health and science circles globally. The only right you had left was to stay home or do exactly as they said. 4 years later and the CDC’s guidelines for Covid now resemble that of their guidelines for the flu. Crazy how that quietly changed so quickly after President Biden promised a winter of death for the unvaccinated.

President Trump sat idly by and allowed many governors to become dictators. He championed the vaccines as his “solution” to the pandemic. His naivete in regards to the pharmaceutical giants and their intent was laughable. Threaten his progress, squash his momentum, then present the “solution” and watch him die on the hill. Critical thinkers were censored, scientists were silenced and doctors that saw and spoke the truth were fired. Hospitals were paid more for using ventilators and any death with a positive Covid test was counted as a Covid death.

President Trump’s biggest weakness is also his strength. He will do anything in the rulebook to win.

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You pray for rain, you gotta deal with the mud too. That’s a part of it.

~ Denzel Washington

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